I've been having some technical difficulties lately.
First, the cell tower my wireless internet connects to has been down. It is so irritating, because when I go to get online, I have to first shut down my computer, unplug my wireless modem and restart everything. Even all of this doesn't guarantee that I will be able to connect or that if I do connect, I won't get booted off.
Second, while visiting my parents last week, I dropped my camera and now the lens won't retract. I hope it's something I can have fixed without having to put out as much as the camera costs.
So moving on, The Hubs, Jaelyn and I all took off on a 3 hour drive to Seaside, Oregon.
We left on Monday and got home early this afternoon.
We went for The Hubs 31st birthday which was yesterday.
Since my "everyday" camera is sadly broken, I had to take my Canon Rebel on the trip. I don't like lugging it around, so I only got a couple shots from our trip and no food pics.

While I'm posting, I thought I put up a couple pics from Easter. We had a great Easter Sunday, started at church then to 2 different family homes for dinner and visiting.
Here we are Easter morning.
What a great weekend, you look beautiful in your Easter dress.