
Monday, September 24, 2012

{Fun Fix} Tropical Bridal Shower

I'm so totally late on this post but what-evs.

By now you've seen the pics from my girl's wedding in St. Croix.  If you want to check them out again click here.

Anywhoo, before the wedding, her mom and I threw her a bridal shower and I wanted to share some pics of the decor and details.

We went with a Tropical theme to go with the wedding's tropical location.

I covered a cardboard "E" with crepe paper flowers and hung it on the front door with a sign.
I got the "E" idea from this tutorial found on Made During Naptime.

Some of the decorations were store bought, like the paper fans and poms but I added the "E"'s for that personal touch.  I also made the banners.
One said, "Soon To Be Mrs. E" and the other said "Eat Drink Love"
In addition to the fans and poms I made heart garlands to hang in the trees.

I dressed up some address labels with a pretty stamp in the theme colors to use as name labels for the cups.  Having a name label on your drink is not only for kiddos, it's also a great way for grown ups to keep up with their drinks.

This punch was so so good.

On a separate table I set up a camera and note cards with a framed note that read
 "Snap a picture of yourself & fill out a card with words of advice and encouragement for D'Nika the bride to be"

Once I get all my pictures from the shower and wedding printed, I will fill a photo album using the pics and notes.

On the same table, I set up the game prizes.
They were all "shower/bath" related including 2 of the sugar scrubs I made in this post.
I wrapped them in brown paper bags tied with tulle and twine finished with a stamped tag.
I thought they looked really pretty on the table.
 Lastly, I made party favors of bath fizzies.  I'm hoping to post a tutorial on the fizzies in the next few days or so.
Each of them were tied with a cute little tag I designed to match the theme that said
"From My Shower to Yours, Thank You"
 So much fun.  I love party planning, esp. making the decorations.

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